Dear Readers: As most of you know, we have been traveling through China for the past 20 days. Internet has been spotty & even when I had it, I couldn’t get into my blog. I sent out a couple of

Buenos Aires
Dear Readers: I know it’s over a month since we returned from South America, but, as promised, here is my Haber Report and assessment of Buenos Aires. I had heard that most visitors to BA love it, particularly because it
Iguazu Falls
Dear Loyal Readers: Thank you to so many of you who have not only responded to my South American blogs, but clearly seem to be enjoying them. On Saturday the ship docked in Buenos Aires (its last port of call).
Dear Readers: It is so nice to be on land where the Internet connection works quickly. Thanks again to all of you who responded to Issue #3 of this trip. Those of you who do not respond to at least
Argentinean Patagonia
Dear Readers, Thanks again to those of you who responded to Edition #2 from South America. Since I last wrote, we (the ship, that is) rounded Cape Horn and started going north up the eastern coast of South America. Thus,
Patagonian Chile
Dear Readers, I’d like to thank all of those who responded to the first edition of my South American adventure. Please continue to provide feedback. After a 90 minute car ride from Santiago to Valparaiso, we boarded the ship (Celebrity
Santiago, Chile
Dear Readers, Welcome back to Travels with Irene (and Marty). This is our first trip to South America. We have just spent a couple of days in Santiago, Chile. This afternoon we will be boarding a ship that will sail
Turks and Caicos
Dear Readers: I have had a complaint from one of my subscribers (who shall go nameless but he knows who he is) that I haven’t sent out a Haber Report yet. Since this is a relaxing trip rather than a
Travel, Art and Food in Toronto
Dear Readers: As some of you know, Doug has set me up with a blog. This past Sunday Marty and I did a crazy fun thing. We went to Toronto for the day to see an exhibit that included some
Haber Travel Report – Vienna
Dear Loyal Readers: Clearly, my energy level has dipped somewhat in the second half of our trip in terms of creating these Haber Travel Reports. This one will cover our entire stay in Vienna. But first a word about our trip