Dear Readers, Thanks for all of your lovely comments. It encourages me to continue blogging. This will be my last post from this trip as we are returning home tomorrow. This was a fabulous trip; lots of interesting things to

Normandy, France and Ghent, Belgium
Dear Readers, From Rouen we drove to a small town in Normandy called Port-eu-Bessin-Huppain to a lovely hotel recommended by one of our neighbors. It was called Chateau La Cheneviere. The grounds were beautiful, the accommodations spacious & the food

Dear Readers, Thanks for your comments. I am feeling better and am hopefully on the road to recovery. After Giverney, we spent 4 days in Normandy. Our first stop was Rouen & we overnighted here. Rouen is where Joan of

Dear Readers, I wrote this blog 2 days ago. The formatting is different from what I had previously, so I had problems sending it. My tech advisor has helped me out & we should be good to go now. You
Haber Travel Report – Vienna
Dear Loyal Readers: Clearly, my energy level has dipped somewhat in the second half of our trip in terms of creating these Haber Travel Reports. This one will cover our entire stay in Vienna. But first a word about our trip
Haber Travel Report – Budapest Day 3
Dear Readers: I am delighted to report that the weather changed for the better today. I don’t think ithit 80 degrees; delightful sightseeing weather. I hear it’s really hot in the NY area. Try to keep cool. We had a
Haber Travel Report – Budapest Day 2
Dear Readers: I thank those of you who have written to me and hope the others will do so shortly. The word for the day is HOT. It has been near 100 degrees here; just awful for sightseeing; the soles
Haber Travel Report-Budapest Day 1
Dear Readers: The Habers are once again on the road. After a rather tortuous trip, we have arrived in Budapest. Our first day here was a typical full busy one complicated only by the weather; it is as hot here
Still Not a Haber Report
Dear Readers: This is some trek we are on to get to Budapest. It was going to be long to begin with. American Airlines (as well as the other airlines) is making it harder and harder to use your
Haber Travel Report – Belgium
Dear Readers: After a full day in Rome on Saturday, we flew to Brussels. Unfortunately, the plane left about 45 minutes late so we didn’t arrive at our hotel until 1 AM; long day. We’re staying at the Meridian which